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E-Saan Wedding Ceremony (Kindong) Article

E-Saan Wedding Ceremony (Kindong)

Views: 4545
Votes: 1
Posted: 17 Mar, 2010
by: Nayika N.
Updated: 13 Jan, 2012
by: Nayika N.

     An early marriage and family life of men and women who have agreed to become husband and wife. The wedding is not customary in regular society. Marriage is among the nation any Relatives are invited to attend the ceremony. And raised their pomp. For Thailand. Term used to refer to the party in the event of local residents and with the northwestern part, called me from the east called Kindag region, some residents called it the cup and the South called it, or eat like that. (steamed sticky rice is to eat sugar and coconut) to invite relatives to feast. It is a testimony to us that both the husband and wife to be traditions. As a welcome back one chapter of the Northeast on wedding, wedding. (End of article) to announce their spouses. I give my grandparents both parties before us. Us to witness that. Both husband and wife to be traditions.

The wedding (Kindong) 

          E-Saan people call E-Saan wedding ceremony is Kindong that is a feast in E-Saan wedding which is the tradition of the East, that is, start a new life of women who agree to live together a husband and wife and thought to be self-reliant. further in the future. The traditional mate selection is implied. The parents of both parties will choose to follow the old motto. Features of a man is  diligent in making a living. As the old saying "if any law to be in good hands (the hands on the rough and hard. Using a knife handle. The rest of tractors and cars) is a very hard "with the good behavior. The study takes a reader through a priest's ordination. Even if a tattoo on my leg (thigh) was considered to be a good fighter then. When a husband and wife will be happy to protect them. The features of the woman. The old saying that "the wealthy woman with three colored water environment that was a woman as exotic environment." 

           Huan Sam was the third things such Huan Phom, Huan Fire and Huan Norn (hair, fire and home) that have the following meanings.

1. Huan Phom that means hair must be kept clean. Like a poem about it  "The tradition for woman to be good looking that is hair and skirt  must be kept clean
. "

2. Huan Fire  that were house and kitchen means taking care of  the household to clean. Rearranged the house a mess.
And cooking as well.

3. Huan Norn or sleeping, lying to the housing body must maintain a clean and orderly.
As well as to treat a good husband.

          Nam See was w
ater and drinking water are four water gourd gracious and mortar. (Water-filled breast lime plaster for protection and to eat a piece. The piece is about a popular eating place for guests and visitors) must keep the water four or dry.
Any woman should be like this as well ámeer×on.

In the old days in the Northeast of Thailand, there are two types Kindong married.

The first, man and woman is married. Men go to stay at home of woman. The wedding ceremony called  "Wiwahamongkon",    properly at the house of the bride's parents. This ceremony by the ancient tradition about as good as saying that  " Son-in-law raised the father and mother of his wife or gave a treat to old man to be like was going to put rice in Lao (barn) and Year (stored grain).

   The second, man and woman is married.  Woman to the home of a man.  The wedding ceremony called "Aawahamongkon" that held  at the home of the groom. That is an ancient sacred Aawah not popular in the proverb that "Daughter-in-law raised the father and mother of her husband to be like took ghost or devil in the home."  

Preparing to ask
Wedding ceremony will be held. When his father - her male relatives, guardians or persons with respect. Procurement and preparation of the groom to get a traditional pleated pieces in a bowl, then put thousands of betel (betel nut is cut into pieces and put them through. With betel leaf for thousands of liming on the side) of 4 and 3, which is called the "silver fever, mouth."

To request and engage the young. (The Ohm and meaning)

         Parents of a groom or the old men a number of two people who are adult men respect  to groom for her eggs, banana, sugarcane and rice made a second probe (for the basket) to talk to you girls. If the father - her mother agreed to cede decide. And the provision of the pickle man (or woman as a bride or a woman in a position to do. In the past, such as gourd gourd 6, but the minimum is not less than 6 USD) and the engagement of women's claims. When two parties negotiate the marinade and the engagement is agree. Then it would be a means to an auspicious wedding day, wedding parties as it deems appropriate. After that, the father - her mother and father - my man. The chewing of betel nut to tighten the same two words is the subject of your request. The two women would be unfathomable to distribute rice farming family within 3 days.


The groom parade


          Once agreed to marriage. The male will provide gift to women, such as gold, rings without anyone knowing it's called a deposit to cover a portion of another is not as well prepared. Disclosure of banana, sugarcane, rice and groom's fourth act and Trakrga take a small bag to carry bamboo with stones, eggs, nuts, sesame seeds, cotton, rice paddy and betel catechu 2, which is the tradition of Trakrga are not equal. The bride is the eldest daughter and the youngest is 32, if the bride is the daughter Trakrga Trakrga 16 leaves the intermediary to provide a good woman to come. To thee I give the man in a wedding or are mats, pillows, shirts, sarong Kindag loincloth, etc. But the wedding day to be agreed. Men parade the groom to the house to surrender her wedding. The parade will consist of a groom.
(1) pickled father - the man's parents or elders Khanthong or tighten the money went into the pickle in front of the groom.
(2) to take spirit to take over a well-sealed cover. (Most virgin who hold him tapestry Jaree Revelstoke). 

            (3) groom a pool of items that are bringing me in to have them move your pool smoking a word (organized as a set).
(4) Canon drum parade ground, followed by dance and music of other relatives and souvenirs.
When the man has already prepared the procession to the groom's house and the woman. When she reached home. Required to withdraw their way through a procession of women with money or alcohol, as it may deem appropriate. The woman's relatives are often added by the groom to walk through the house before the stairs. The door to the house the bride.

Clean and dry feet a groom
When the groom arrive house to the stairs. The front door to enter the home the bride. Sister or cousin of the groom and the woman will wash the feet of those who compete for the marinade. It is clear foot on the Knife lined with banana leaves. And wipe your feet to show hospitality. Wedding reception. It is clear that the law was the feet. Demonstrating respect for tradition. The elders of the party with his bride's house to pick and groom on hand to officially welcome back to the house. For the groom's parents and relatives, the girls to welcome and give the tray of  fresh areca nuts. The groom's parents take and give some money as gifts to the girls and returned to the stock pieces. Then follow the girls to sit in the house, where he provided it.

An auspicious occasion, the groom's parents to deliver some money and gold to the bride's parents.

                The bride's parents or adult female relatives to count the money given to the bride's parents by the groom's parents at the engagement ceremony

          Then all of paddy, beans and sesame seeds sprinkled on the dowry money. With that. "Let this money grow like seeds, nuts and seeds, sesame seeds, rice is Etay" and then open the groom. Women I mak pool of rice wine and food to feed them.


                      The bride's parents would bring out the bride to see the groom in order to the ceremony to welcome back together

Panic at the formula, or welcome back
          Before the ceremony, welcome back The host must be prepared. "Brahmin thread binding his arms," a common thread to tie the wrists, but a bundle of banknotes is the worship of Brahman as the host sees fit. Host may be a Brahmin or a wrist or an adult are invited senior respected as a Brahmin or wrist.


          Welcome back ceremony was done by chanting slogans, the formula will say that I wish to make the wedding couple. The bride and groom during the ceremony to capture. Panic took hold in the cross-arm. The groom should be the top arm.



     When the Bramin finished Brahmin formula. Relatives brought rice, eggs, bananas on hand a wedding couple

           After the wedding was a formula or elders - respect for women to enter the egg, the wedding couple By stripping eggs from her morale was divided in half by using a hair cut an egg in the middle. And check that the center of the egg, the egg halves, or not. If the egg is considered a newlywed couple will live together and be satisfied with a free copy. It will then enter the egg, the wedding couple the right to enter the "egg sharing" (some of the eggs and Ai), and bridegroom left the "Egg City" to make complete use of cotton from the rice offering a hand to the newlywed couple, along with greeting.







               After that, relatives and guests at the event brought together a newlywed couple on hand along with a greeting.


 Ceremony the wedding couple

           The ceremony now and then. The groom's female relatives, leading to the rooms provided for the wedding couple.

                                      The male relatives of the bride's hand it to another room to do was console-law.

          After the wedding, the two sides brought the wedding couple to go to the marriage-bed. To say that from now onwards. Sleep with the bride and groom must come to this room.

Written by: Nayika Derdkhuntod

See also

Esaan wedding        


Baanmaha.com.  (2008).  Esaan wedinfg ceremony.  (In thai).  Retrieved March 17, 2010 from  http://www.baanmaha.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23241

Pinkyanni.  (2551). Esaan wedinfg ceremony.  (In thai).  Retrieved March 17, 2010 from     http://gotoknow.org/blog/alliwanttowrite/182878

You tube.  Thai wedding.  Retrieved September 5, 2011 from   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyEKVzv-3FY  

Wedding in tlcthai.com.  (2009).  Esaan wedinfg ceremony.  (In thai).  Retrieved March 17, 2010 from      http://wedding.tlcthai.com/tag/%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B0%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%9E%E0%B8%93%E0%B8%B5%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%95%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99/















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