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Devo tradition Article

Devo tradition

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Posted: 29 Oct, 2010
by: Nayika N.
Updated: 16 Feb, 2012
by: Nayika N.

          คำว่า เทโว  ย่อมาจากคำว่า  เทโวโรหนะ   แปลว่า การหยั่งลงจากเทวโลก หรือการเสด็จลงจากเทวโลก  หมายถึง การเสด็จลาจากเทวโลกของพระพุทธเจ้า

          The Devo is an abbreviation of the word "Devorohana" that outpouring of worship means the Buddha came to say goodbye from place of worship.

          Devo to the monks in the waning days of a lunar month 11 on the occasion of Buddha worship. 

          Devo day means on merit in the tradition of Buddhist Lent. According to Buddhist beliefs was the day the Buddha came down from heaven to preach the funeral Jump Pitaka to his mother.

According to legend, said. When the Buddha attained enlightenment he was allowed to drive efforts to Samopti signal. Has come to proclaim the religion of the region around the Indian subcontinent (now India), he preached to people in different regions of Northern India. From the city of Rachacru, Paranasri, Savathi through the city of Richland Kbil Dut. This is his fatherland. He preached to the Lord Buddha's Thomas's father, she was the best tea on the descent. Assuming Labour Thracian princess. Rahul Raj's child. As well as the relative merits of the works to achieve its Mrrcผl reasonable. Thou art mindful of her glory was an illusion. He was born and died after seven days and has been an angel in heaven, and Dusit. His desire to meet your mother a great many will not find anything comparable to Pranburi. He believes that decision carefully. The only thing you have to pay the mother's milk that is not worthy to be his funeral in the seven years since the Enlightenment. Buddha went to the temple in heaven and Jump. Buddha preached his funeral Pitaka to his mother in the years to achieve Osdapattiผl. But the end of Buddhist Lent. The next morning 11 the waning days of a mind to come down from heaven to stay at The Jump to Kassa.
The outpouring of worship. Have to know the world is the same. When he looks down. What the hell are the same as his Aewhi.  He looked east and west around the universe are very useful, it has the same. Angels saw men, humans saw angels, animal hell saw humans and angels. They would see each other. While the Buddha jump down from heaven. He was emitting radiation.        When the Buddhists who have faith to believe that the worship of Buddha. Everyone came together to put forward a very crowded because no one has a life time of up to 3 months.  In which the Buddha had to preach angels and humans. The general rejoicing. Another called it. Today's world. Buddhists are a joy to have merit as well. To celebrate the coming of worship down to the realm of human beings. The monks in those days it was called. Devo's Road. Since that date onwards.

Devo worship   
This is done in the temple area. However, some measurements are made ​​in the temple. Depending upon the suitability of each district. The operation is as follows.
           1. Prepared to invite the Buddha. Popular statue holding bowl. If there is no other life but may be a standing Buddha image. Enshrined in a pavilion. The large bowl is set in front of the Buddha.     


               2. Prepare or train them to fly Canham Buddha or the Buddha statue in front. Buddhist monks. The novice monks walking in procession to the Aubask worshipers are dressed as Shiva, Indra, heavenly angel has brought in a procession of Buddha images    


          3. Buddhist monks prepare food. A common food or dry food is rice. It is considered a symbol of mush Look Yon Devo ceremony is basically a bunch of mush or the fried mush that is sold or eaten.

          4. The priests sermon.

           Devo tradition as the promotion of solidarity to the many local people. Is controlled by the dissolution of social vices facing the temple to make merit. Thus contribute to peace, social peace as well. Buddhist ceremony in this festival. Some measurements may be made a regular. However, some measures may be largely a matter of local tradition. By invoking the Buddha statue in the pavilion. It is located on the front wheel is set Batrใhye Buddha. With the wheel to slowly feel the novice monks walking to sitting, standing Taiika Taik as well as the monks. Popular items to add to the bowl of rice in the rice and fruits, and a bunch of mush. The cast is mostly a bunch of mush. Some put the rice bowl of dry food, which is a local tradition of Devo and the big difference such as

Ubolratana District, Khon Kaen Province


         Ubolratana Dam Municipality, Ubolratana District, Khon Kaen Province with government agencies and private citizens Ubolratana held the tradition of philanthropy and Devo, worship the Lord, respect to the footprint of the Buddha during the Buddhist Lent Festival every year. It became a tradition of the province. To promote the tradition of Buddhist art and culture. The promotion of tourism by the year 2553 the District held a levee Ubonrat Devo. On Saturday, October 24, 2553 at 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Wat Phra Phu Phan Kham. The monks and novices from all 599 measured in the number Ubolratana to receive food, dry food, rice and various other factors. From the hilltop Wat Phra Phu Phan Kham. Down the stairs to the future of 1,049 inhabitants is Stairway to Heaven. Down to the ground to his temple, Phu Phan Kham.

           On such date Mr. Suwit Khun Kitti, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment presided over the ceremony.  Also Mr. Sombat Treewatanasuwan, the governor of Khon Kaen participate in the ceremony.

Written by Nayika Derdkhuntod

Photographed by Worapong Derdkhuntod


วิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี.   (๒๕๕๓).  ตักบาตรเทโว.  ค้นข้อมูลวันที่ ๒๙ ตุลาคม ๒๕๕๓ จาก http://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%97%E0%B9%82%E0%B8%A7
สนุกพีเดีย.  (๒๕๕๐).  ตักบาตรเทโว.  ค้นข้อมูลวันที่ ๒๙ ตุลาคม ๒๕๕๓ จาก  http://guru.sanook.com/pedia/topic/%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%97%E0%B9%82%E0%B8%A7/
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการวัฒนธรรมแห่งชาติ.  ข้อมูลวันสำคัญ : โครงการปีรณรงค์วัฒนธรรมไทยและแนวทางในการจัดกิจกรรม “เรารัก วัฒนธรรมไทย”.   (๒๕๓๗).   พิมพ์ครั้งที่ ๒.  กรุงเทพฯ: โรงพิมพ์คุรุสภาลาดพร้าว.







           และเพื่อระลึกถึงเหตุการณ์ในวันนั้น พุทธบริษัททั้งหลายจึงนิยมตักบาตรเทโวโรหนะกันจนเป็นประเพณีสำคัญสืบทอดกันมาตราบเท่าทุกวันนี้ ต่อมามีการเรียกกร่อนไปเหลือเพียง ตักบาตรเทโว การตักบาตรเทโวนี้ บางวัดทำในวันออกพรรษา คือวันขึ้น ๑๕ ค่ำ เดือน ๑๑ บางวัดก็ทำในวันรุ่งขึ้น คือวันแรม ๑ ค่ำ เดือน ๑๑

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