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Optimum environmental management of human settlement : a case study of Nam Houng Village, Xekatam hydroelectric power project, Lao PDR Article

Optimum environmental management of human settlement : a case study of Nam Houng Village, Xekatam hydroelectric power project, Lao PDR

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Posted: 27 Sep, 2012
by: Nayika N.
Updated: 27 Sep, 2012
by: Nayika N.

Somsavanh Phanmatha, Jirasak Jindarojana & Sompong Doolgindachbaporn.  (2009).  Optimum environmental management of human settlement : a case study of Nam Houng Village, Xekatam hydroelectric power project, Lao PDR.  Master of Science Thesis in Environmental Science, Graduate School, Khon Kaen University.


Source:  KKU Institutional Repository 

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