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Jeaw Hon, Nam Phong Article

Jeaw Hon, Nam Phong

Views: 2735
Votes: 2
Posted: 09 Feb, 2010
by: Nayika N.
Updated: 20 Sep, 2011
by: Nayika N.

          One of the Esaan food in Nam Phong district   is well-known. That is Jeaw Hon of  Bo Thong Samrit food shop .

          Owner name Mrs. Rodjana Wisakha. She come from Non Sa-at district, Udon Thani Province. Jeaw Hon is the original recipe of Non Sa-at more than 40 years, that  Mrs. Rodjana have inherited from her mother. Those who have tasted it are always fond of the taste. I would recommend this recipe to make delicious Isan for foodies who want to eat each other among the close relatives and friends.

Fixing Jeaw Hon

          1. The meat used in beef and beef have about this bull calves. Slice crosswise into thin sheets, cooled in the liver, heart, tripe beef tongue, filling slice until the tiger cry. (Meat peace with it), frozen meat good (beef soaked in water) and meat protruding (people who do not eat the fish on his behalf), the trappings are mixed with oyster sauce 2 tablespoons Chinese Wine or wine whatever. 2 tablespoons and then refrigerated for 1 hour before eating.

          2. Vegetables, including cabbage, white cabbage, parsley, basil, mushroom, onion, fennel leaves, leaf length, leaf Chaphlu Signup for Chai.

          3. Vermicelli like.

Garnish soup Jeaw Hon

          Put a cow leg bones to the pot with boiling water. Ka Soi or galingale to break a stem lemon grass, 3 from the pound, cut as many kaffir lime leaves, 10 leaves, shallots, 5 head, skin, yet a baby garlic 5 head of pandan leaves 10 cards do not have to cut a bundle is a bundle salt 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tsp. table sugar, 1 / 2 tablespoons cooking with low heat and simmer 2 hours until the water boiled, the bones strong.

Condiments and sauces

          Sour sauce, garnish with 2 formulas and recipes to cook the spinach.

          Recipe, sour water, soup bones, beef, 1 cup, mix lemon juice 2 or water or tamarind powder 2 tablespoons cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon fish sauce 1 tbsp rice, roasted 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 / 2 teaspoons shallots, Soi 5 on the root. 10 coriander leaves, coriander roots, kaffir lime leaves, 5 leaves, cumin 5 of 5 cards all the ingredients blended homogeneously.

          Recipe for spinach soup, beef bone, mix well 1 cup beef, 2 tablespoons fish sauce 1 tablespoon chili powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground roasted rice 1 tablespoon shallots, Soi 3, the basket Krai - kaffir lime leaves, cut into Soi like.

          When everything is finished cooking. Time to eat all the vegetables and vermicelli soup is like a boil. Using chopsticks or a fork, meat and anything else that I dipped into the soup. I had just eaten cooked. The meat and the like into the boiling broth on the web.

ได้สูตรเด็ดแจ่วฮ้อนแล้ว ลองทำรับประทานกันเองในหมู่ญาติมิตรดู หรือหากท่านไม่ชอบทำอาหาร จะชวนญาติสนิทมิตรสหายไปลองรับประทานแจ่วฮ้อนสูตรเด็ดที่อำเภอน้ำพองดูก็ได้ มีหลายร้านให้ท่านทดลองชิมค่ะ หรือไม่อยากไปไกลถึงน้ำพอง ในตัวจังหวัดขอนแก่นก็มีร้านแจ่วฮ้อนหรือร้านจิ้มจุ่มหลายร้านให้ทดลองชิมค่ะ

Jeaw Hon is the recipe. You could the meals by yourself were among the relatives . If you do not like cooking. Invite friends to relatives to try Jeaw Hon see the recipe at Nam Phong district. There are many restaurants to try tasting it. Do not go to Nam Phong. In Khon Kaen province would have Jeaw Hon or Isan Suki multiple stores, try tasting it.

written by: Nayika Derdkhuntod


Rodjana Wisakha.  (February 9, 2010).  Interview.   Owner of  Bo Thong Samrit food shop.  Nam Phong district.

รจนา วิสาขา.  (2553).  สัมภาษณ์เมื่อ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ 2553.



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