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History of Foreign Silk Article

History of Foreign Silk

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Posted: 29 Jan, 2010
by: Nayika N.
Updated: 21 Nov, 2011
by: Nayika N.

       The history of this country from about 2600-2700 years before the Christian era. China is the first nation to bring about the benefits of clothing made in the reign of Emperor Han Huang (Huang-Ti) later in the year 300 (B.E.843) in Japan has been formulated. After the silk production has spread to Western Europe. Through the Silk Road (Silk Road) into India and into Persia in the end. According to ancient Greek mythology. Emperor Justinian of Constantinople, CA Naples was very pleasing the silk. About the year 1093, he persuaded two priests who know about farming techniques and the production of cocoons and eggs from China to the city of Byzantium (Byzantium), or Constantinople, CA Naples. The silk industry has begun to rise. In those days, silk is a luxury. The only royal school only. Trade from the East (Asia) and Western (European) is very important.

        During the 7th century farming and silk production is widespread in countries such as Italy, Spain and the French city of Florence, Milan, Genoa and Venice made ​​me more famous. In the middle of the year 2023, the Mysore silk weaving began in Tours, France. In the 16th century and the silk industry to Great Britain. (England).

        In the United Kingdom, there are many countries in the colony. During the 19th century, King James 1, of the United Kingdom. He was trying to promote the silk industry in the territory of the United States today. But his efforts failed.

        It can be seen that the rearing and silk production is better in countries with cheap labor and wages only. The silk industry. The rearing and silk production is limited to China, Japan, Italy and India silk weaving craft, a French beauty is very skilled. Especially in Lyons. However the "silk" is still considered a luxury fiber. That retains a high value on the properties of the fiber. Because of the presence among Rachnikul use only. Therefore it is prudent to maintain our honor as a man so popular. "Queen of the fiber."


Nualkhae Paliwanich.  (2542).  Kwaom-Ru-Ruang-Pha-Lae-Senyai.  (The new revised edition).  Bangkok: C-Education. (In Thai).

Written by: Nayika Derdkhuntod

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